
Henna leaf

The Henna Leaf has become popular in the last few decades, in both western and eastern countries. It possess natural healing property, which can be used in the form of medicine. It is natural and does not pose any harmful reactions.


The henna leaf has become popular in the last few decades, in both western and eastern countries. It possess natural healing property, which can be used in the form of medicine. It is natural and does not pose any harmful reactions.

  • Henna leaf cure headache
  • It is best for skin wound and bacterial infection, such as eczema.
  • The henna leaf is used in water for a bath will draw out fever.
  • The natural property of henna leaf does no harm to the body.
  • Chewing henna leaves eliminates the risk of gum diseases.
  • Henna leaf in powder form can be used as a color die for hairs.
  • Henna leaf in powdered form can be used for tattoo art and body art.
  • Grind the leaves in a blender, then add one lemon to the grinded powder.
  • Allow it to sit for 1 hour and apply directly to the scalp and roots.
  • Cover your hairs with wrappers.
  • Leave it for 2 hours and then rinse it off.


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